Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have no idea what that means.

I do, however, know that I have neglected this poor little blog for far too long. I shall try to fix that now.

I'm a shut-picker-upper now, I quit my lucrative career as an avionics instructor for a well known college in favour of a crappy job as an animal caretaker. I haven't put gas in the truck in a week or so - I see my darling wife everyday - I make less money but I get more hours - and, funnily enough, I'm quite happy.

Yea for me!

Everyday is basically the same - my little furry friends looks at me in the morning a wait patiently for their food, then calmly get out of their stall while I make their poo disappear. Then its 'sweeping and shoveling the aisles' followed by 'cleaning out the drains'. Next is feeding the furry monsters in the afternoon and sweeping up again. Yep - I get to push a broom twice a day, or more if I want.

I must admit, I always joked that I'd get a job picking up shit when I retired from the force just so I could boost my self image, and now I have. But it's not a joke when you look at the little guys in their pens, and you know that there's no way in hell that they could use a shovel or a broom to do what I do. Ummmmm Makes me feel good.

makes me feel like Chuck Norris.

well maybe not.

1 comment:

markshere2 said...


Chuck would glance the poo into the proper poo place and talk the floor clean in two syllables or less.

Happyness is clean friendly critters and time with the Frau.

We pick up our new weimaraner pup in a week.

Try to check your voicemail and return a call once in a while.
