Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Coal, the other fossil fuel.

Wonder of wonders! I finally got my new coal forge set up and the flue plumbed in. Yippee! Now I can play again. It's been ages since I had a decent forge, my last gas rig was just that - a rig; not very good as far as forges go. This new coal forge is a real beaut. Time to start making new tools now - its amazing the things you don't need with a gas forge; I've never had to rake the fire in a gas forge, and I don't know the last time I used a gas shovel to put more gas on. Never had a clinker in one either.

So I should be turning out the knick knacks again here shortly. Guess what everyone's getting for christmas........

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Arthur 'Two Sheds' Jackson

I do so love Monty Python. I think I shall start heading all my posts with a sketch or quote.

I have arrived back from Portland after my friend's wedding in mediocre shape, it's only taken me a *couple* of days to recover from it. But what a beautiful wedding. 17:00 on a Saturday! what bride wouldn't blush - reception in a vineyard, no drunken family members vomiting on the dress! And now the lucky couple is on safari in Kenya. Oh what fun they'll have. Lions and tigers and bears - Oh Criag! (If you don't know him, you won't get that.)

On another note, (about me, I mean,) The interview went, (I think,) quite well. As long as I can stick in the mind of the hirer and beat out four other well qualified applicants I'll be ok. I know I have the skills and the drive to do the job, not sure I have the smarmy interview skills though. Oh well, still applying for other jobs as we speak just in case, But I have to say that if they can find a better candidate they better hire him.

Now I have to check out some libel over on weaselkeeper's blog. Something about a rocks glass. He started it - remember that.