Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Coal, the other fossil fuel.

Wonder of wonders! I finally got my new coal forge set up and the flue plumbed in. Yippee! Now I can play again. It's been ages since I had a decent forge, my last gas rig was just that - a rig; not very good as far as forges go. This new coal forge is a real beaut. Time to start making new tools now - its amazing the things you don't need with a gas forge; I've never had to rake the fire in a gas forge, and I don't know the last time I used a gas shovel to put more gas on. Never had a clinker in one either.

So I should be turning out the knick knacks again here shortly. Guess what everyone's getting for christmas........


Anonymous said...

So when do we get pics of this marvel of modern technology?

Xpopher said...

Good call. I shall take some "photographs" of said forge and transmit them here via the ether.

JimR said...

The Ether's full, use the cat

Anonymous said...

So... we're getting Clinkers for Christmas, eh?