Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Resume writing

Well, it is resume time again. I'm searching for a new job, (Not that I don't like my old one, but the money's just not there,) and I have found my resume to be, in kind words, laughable. I imagine HR folks emailing it around with the daily joke. Not that I mind bringing a little humour into peoples lives, but I'd rather have a well paying job. So now I'm paying the price of not keeping my resume up-to-date. As always, I started out with a mediocre product that was 1-1/2 pages long, very readable, concise, and clear. I now have an unfinished manuscript that confuses and mocks the reader, leading him in circles and wearing him out with sentences such as,

"Experienced with: airborne radar and computer systems; mission systems forms and reports; electronic principles, including integrated and transistor circuits; pulsing techniques, shift registers, counters, buffers, logic gates, and flip flops; solid state devices, principles of radio frequency (RF), phase shifting devices, RF transmitters and receivers as applied to airborne warning and control systems; capabilities, limitations, operations, and functions of electronic test equipment; binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbering systems; basic computer programming techniques; interpreting technical orders, wiring diagrams, logic diagrams, wire lists, and processed data lists; digital data processing; general purpose computers and interface unit; software diagnostic routines; and maintaining nuclear hardness as it applies to airborne computer, data display, radar, IFF, and ancillary systems

That little beauty confuses me, and I did it! (Although I did steal it from a job description.) So I know what I'm doing for the next week or so.

Wish me luck in my endeavors: drafting, quality checking, spell checking, paragraphing; cutting and pasting letters, whole words, sentences, and paragraphs; formatting, re-writing, and re-formatting; organizing into chronological, technical, educational, goal oriented, task oriented, and objective based formats; file saving, forgetting to file save, document recovery; cursing, drinking, and banging head into laptop when frustrated.


channel thirteen said...

realize i created this account for the sole purpose of being able to talk to you regularly.. since neither one of us knows how to use the phone.

love you, bubba!


Livengood said...

Another new experience for me! "The times they are achanging"! I'm ready for it. At first I thought "well,so now I am just another email address in your life!!!!!!! However, fortunately for both of us, I calmed down when I saw what "august" company I was in, so you are forgiven. That does NOT mean you do not have to ever call me again or vice versa but I think that this is a great way to keep up with each other. So what are the rules? Do we only talk about what you are doing or do I have to have my own Blog to talk about what is happening here? Just lay it all out for the geriatric population in your life! Hah and double Hah! I am the ONLY one who can refer to myself as geriatric!!! Enough for now.

Xpopher said...

I don't think there are any rules, and I don't think you have to have your own. You may have to log in to leave a comment, then again you may not. If you want you own blog you can surely get one. I just wanted a place to let everyone know what is going on in my bubble, everybody's comments are welcome, nay encouraged!

I'm still new at this, Richie probably does it better.

Livengood said...

Well, yea, I get to make my own rules, I like that. Yes, you do have to have an account in order to post. Oh, boy, Richie will love THAT comment!! What's the latest on the Superman frog?

Xpopher said...

Please see comments on "first post" for more about Mr Handicapable Frog.

JimR said...

muahaha, although I have sadly neglected what I can jokingly refer to as a blog http://neon-buddha.net/weaselkeeper

JimR said...

I would say that I found large colourful fonts and uniquely coloured paper to get a very strong reaction from HR folks.

Kat Richardson said...

I just pretend I don't need their stinking job...

and they usually don't let me have it, no matter how spiffy the resume.

Livengood said...

Well, isn't the world a small place? Weaselkeeper, good name. Xpopher sent me a "note" about his blog, guess I have to wait to be to be invited to join yours?! Hah! Of course now that Chris has one and I am on Kats' daily, I don't know if I have time to watch/sometimes comment on another one. Us old folks are busy you know. Anyway, how soppy it is to have all the family together, except where is the whalegutter??? Has anyone seen "Sicko"? No, no, the movie, not a person you know that you don't want to know, if you know what I mean. oh, it is way to early for all this.

Livengood said...

How come my comments have the little trash can thingy/icon and now one elses' does? oops, what lousy grammar! You will be glad to know that I am going now and will be out all day, doing what pseudo-retired people do. Lunching with friends, shopping/etc/etc/etc!

JimR said...

Your own comments have the trash can, so you can delete them if you wish. You can't delete others.

I set up a blog, as a part of a portal I was playing with, it's over at http://neon-buddha.net/weaselkeeper feel free to drop in and watch the paint dry :) Kat's blog or Chris's are far more active. But mine does have some pictures in some of the entries. If that helps :)

Livengood said...

Thanks for the explanation about the trash can icon, that's amazing, it makes sense!!! Yes, I have been to your blog, thanks to the link on this blog and yes, you are right this blog and CERTAINLY Kat's blog are more interesting. Of course I am a GREYWALKER fan!!! No, your pics didn't help, BORING!!!

Xpopher said...

Apparently Kat and I have far too much time on our hands. Richie is the responsible, hardworking, well respected, brother.

Yeah, that's it.

Livengood said...

Can't resist! CREEP! CREEP! Bet Kat hasn't seen this yet.